Tourism in East Africa is being boosted by Tanzania slashingpark fees 


Tanzanian authorities have reduced park fees for EastAfrican citizens to attract more tourists from neighboring countries. 

· Travel


Tourism in East Africa is being boosted by Tanzania slashingpark fees

According to the latest program from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania is targeting visitors from East African Community (EAC) member states to visit wildlife parks, and historical sites and adult citizens of the 'EAC will now pay Tsh 10,000 ($4.2), the same fee for adult Tanzanians will also be charged.

Dr. Pindi Chana, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, said the Tanzanian government will also focus on meeting and conference visitors through exhibitions, lectures, and other visits.

But it's the fee decision that might be more helpful. Visitors from neighboring countries have often complained of being charged more while Tanzanians are charged under EAC conditions when visiting neighboring countries.

Tanzania had also refused to join Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda's single tourist visa scheme, which allowed a visitor to visit all three countries on a single visa issued by any of the three.

Dr. Chana said reducing fees and providing incentives for hosting conferences will help attract five million tourists worth $6 billion, the 2025 target set under the five-year tourism development plan currently being implemented.

Travel Restrictions

The first step is to work with the EAC Secretariat in Arusha to harmonize travel restrictions and the movement of people within the EAC bloc under the umbrella of the East Africa Tourism Platform (EATF).

Under the EATF, Tanzania joins others in the EAC bloc to form a single tourist destination for its regional citizens with no restrictions at border entry points and harmonized fees to access tourist areas, primarily wildlife parks and heritage sites.

As part of the country's efforts to attract foreign tourists, Tanzania has also implemented electronic visas (eVisas).

The government also aims to increase the number of air transport passengers from the current 2.94 million to 3.09 million next year, the Tanzania Airports Authority (TAA) said.

TAA is currently attracting international flights, benefiting from increased tourism following the launch of the documentary Royal Tour USA) in mid-April.

The African Tourism Board has advocated for open African skies accompanied by strong African airlines, with codeshares, joint ventures, and other partnerships.